Upgrade from the Leetro MPC6515 controller to Ruida RDC6445S
These are raw notes.
Things that I need to know:
Homing / Reset Origin TopRight - is where there are limit switches
Work Area Size (eg 700x500mm) 1200 x 900 mm
Ultimate Air Assist Yes / No I don't know
Automatic Z Axis (Controlled by Controller) No
Limit Switches Lever
List for replacing controller
- I may need to run wire for water protection
- leave laser in middle of table
- use small cable tie to seperate x and y wires.
- Document all findable settings for old controller. Look at control panel, LasterCut5.3, maybe coreldraw
- document and label all wires
- control panel-need to make the hole larger
- unmount old controller, but leave wires connected
- move wires, except laser control, over and test
Old Controller
Machine Options Company Jinan King Rabbit Technology Development Co, Ltd hxlaser.com
Motion Card Mpc6515 IO-Level lower level Limit Level Lower Level Laser Model Analog signals Max Power 100
Worktable - photo
20:37 - I sat down about 17:30, and I methodically went through each step, except for water protect.
I had one wire break, but I took one of my many crimp terminals and trimmed it to be small enough to fit into the connector, so yay!
The dremel work went as well as I could have expected. There is a benefit in that the laser does not move much, so I am not so worried about things being securely mounted.
I turned the laser on. I hit escape, like my friendly guide said to, and then I got cheeky (before configuring or setting it to english) and tried the wireless 'Handle' What I would call a pendant.
And holy guacamole, the head moved!
I just hit pulse on the remote, and the laser pulsed!
That is spectacular, because I believed that I could get water protect connected, but it was going to require a bit more thinking than I was ready for.
I think the water sensor goes to the laser power supply, I have a picture of a wire that looks like it does that and so the power supply just cuts out if you don't have water.
Also, the 'handle' talks to a wireless rs232 receiver...I looked for my Flipper to try and look at the signals...but I think it means I am much closer to a laser etch a sketch than I ever thought!
Now lets walk through the control panel configuration work.
MANUFACTORY SETTINGS are called Vendor setting in my controller.
Jump off speed is take off speed
A Breadth is now table size 1200
Max Acc may be acc of key? was 4500, change to 3000
Pagination Puls is tickle width
... 21:40 And most things work, or work pretty well.
- setting reset tries to home it to the top left, not top right
- Going right in X it stops a significant ways before it should
- I don't understand all of the handle buttons, and they don't all seem to do anything.
The awesome! - It is so much nicer. - The magnetic base on the handle lets you stick it to the laser cutter. When I realized that I literally LoLed with pleasure. - using the handle is nicer than the control panel. The control panel is much nicer than the Leetro panel. - I managed to connect and cut from Lightburn on my mac with literally near zero effort. Amazing.
I need to go through the calibration.
The days that I keep my gratitude higher than
my expectations, Well, I have really good days.
Ray Wylie Hubbard, from song Mother Blue's
Sat Aug 10, 2024 Next Steps
done - Print a 100mm x 100mm calibration square fixed - why won't it go all the way to the right? not sure - why does it reset to top left? - experiment more with the handle - Try a LightBurn Material test pattern - Don't have limit switches. Whoops.